Paramount Pictures has released the newest trailer for Mark Osborne's adaptation of The Little Prince. Based on the 1943 novel of the same name by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, this is the book's first feature animated adaptation. It actually had its world premiere at the the Cannes Film Festival earlier this year in an out-of-competition screening, and was eventually released a few months in France in the summer. So this is North America's first real look at the film.
For those who are not familiar with The Little Prince, the book centers on a young girl, whose meticulous mother wants her to grow up too fast. However, their eccentric neighbor, helps the young girl take hold of her childhood by telling her the story of a boy called the "Little Prince", whom he supposedly encountered in a desert when his plane crashed. While some may consider The Aviator a distraction, The Little Girl finds her neighbor's story intriguing, and soon she will go on a life-changing adventure involving stars, biplanes, and a cute fox.
Check out the new trailer for The Little Prince below. [...]
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