In Ant-Man and the Wasp, Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) is serving the remaining days of his house arrest in San Francisco as a consequence of his actions in the events of Captain America: Civil War. Approached by Hope van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly) and Dr. Hank Pym (Michael Douglas), Lang must once again don the Ant-Man suit and fight alongside the Wasp. The urgent mission soon leads to secret revelations from the past as the dynamic duo finds themselves in an epic battle against a powerful new enemy.
We were fortunate enough to sit down with our fellow members of the press to talk about the film with Rudd, Lilly, director Peyton Reed, and Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige. There they talked about writing the script, the logistics of filming a car chase, the film's themes, and more. Check out what they had to say below [...]
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